Research Results in Pharmacology is a peer-reviewed, open access, rapidly published journal covering various aspects of pharmacology. The Journal publishes articles devoted to molecular screening with the use of modern methods of proteomics, cellular technologies, results of experimental studies in modeling abnormalities in laboratory animals and clinical studies in the field of pharmacotherapy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacoepidemiology, personalized therapy, multicenter studies and evidence-based medicine.
Research Results in Pharmacology’s mission is to facilitate international cooperation in pharmacological research through: (1) English-language publication of high-quality work performed in Russia and other neighboring countries, following the highest possible publishing standards, and (2) involvement of foreign researchers in joint scientific and publication projects.
The Journal is published by the Belgorod National Research University as a continuation of Research Result: Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology (ISSN 2500-235X). All backlist volumes are available on the article browser.
Publication frequency: 4 /year.
The Journal is supported by the Board of the Russian Scientific Society of Pharmacologists and the Association of Clinical Pharmacologists and follows the ethical and publishing standards of the Rus-LASA, (Russian Laboratory Animals Science Association, ELASA (European Laboratory Animals Science Association), and ASEP (Association of Science Editors and Publishers of the Russian Federation).
The journal is an online edition.
The online edition has been registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). Mass media registration sertificate: ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 73012 June 6, 2018
International Standart Journal Serial Number: ISSN 2658-381X (online)
Founder: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod National Research University".
Publisher: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod National Research University".
Chief editor: Pokrovskii M.V.