Screening Study for Anticonvulsive Activity of Lipophilic Fractions from Empetrum nigrum L.




Introduction: The plants of genus Empetrum, which are used in the traditional medicine to cure seizures and neurode­generative diseases, can be considered as potent antiepileptic drugs. This paper focuses on a comparative analysis of an anticonvulsive activity of lipophilic fractions from Empetrum nigrum L.

Materials and methods: The experiments were conducted using mature outbred CD-1 male mice. The lipophilic frac­tions from aerial parts of Empetrum nigrum L. were administered through a catheter into the stomach at a dose of 150 mg/kg for 5 days. The anticonvulsive effects were studied using the acute seizure tests: strychnine-, pentylenetetrazole – and maximal electroshock (MES) induced tests. Carbamazepine was used as a positive control drug at a dose of 100 mg/kg.

Results and discussion: The acetone-soluble fraction (ASF) of the chloroform extract from Empetrum nigrum L. showed a pronounced anticonvulsive effect on seizures induced by strychnine (1.5 mg/kg) and pentylenetetrazole (150 mg/kg). In comparison to the control group, the time from seizures to death increased by 1.5 for the strychnine-in­duced seizures, and 1.9 times in case of pentylenetetrazole model. The survival rate of the animals was 22.2% and 20%, correspondingly. The survival rate in the MES test was 77.8%. Overall, ASF demonstrates a remarkable anticonvulsive activity in all the tests, especially in the MES test.

Conclusion: Our study for the first time shows a potent antiepileptic effect of ASF from Empetrum nigrum L., contain­ing triterpene compounds and chalcones. The future studies will be focused on investigating the exact mechanisms of anticonvulsive and neuroprotective effects of ASF.

Graphical abstract:


Anticonvulsive activity, Empetrum nigrum L., maximal electroshock, pentylenetetrazole, strychnine

Author Contribution

Ekaterina A. Bezverkhniaia, Siberian State Medical University; Tomsk Polytechnic University

Postgraduate student of Research School of Chemistry & Applied Biomedical Sciences; laboratory assistant of Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis.

Tatyana N. Povet’eva, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk National Research Medical Center

PhD in Biology, Professor, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition of E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine.

Tatyana V. Kadyrova, Siberian State Medical University

PhD in Pharmacy, lecturer of Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis of Siberian State Medical University.

Nikolai I. Suslov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk National Research Medical Center

PhD in Medicine, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition.

Yuliya V. Nesterova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk National Research Medical Center

PhD in Medicine, Researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition.

Ol’ga G. Afanas’eva, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk National Research Medical Center

PhD in Biology, Researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition.

Pavel V. Kul’pin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk National Research Medical Center

Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition.

Yuliya G. Yusova, Siberian State Medical University

Undergraduate student.

Elena V. Ermilova, Siberian State Medical University

PhD in Pharmacy, Professor of Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis.

Alexandr G. Miroshnichenko, Siberian State Medical University

PhD in Medicine, Professor of Department of Pharmacology.

Konstantin S. Brazovskii, Siberian State Medical University; Tomsk Polytechnic University

PhD in Technical Sciences, Researcher of Laboratory of targeted research for medical engineering technologies; Professor of Research School of Chemistry & Applied Biomedical Sciences

Mikhail V. Belousov, Siberian State Medical University; Tomsk Polytechnic University

PhD in Pharmacy, Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis; Professor of Research School of Chemistry & Applied Biomedical Sciences.




How to Cite

Bezverkhniaia EA, Povet’eva TN, Kadyrova TV, Suslov NI, Nesterova YV, Afanas’eva OG, Kul’pin PV, Yusova YG, Ermilova EV, Miroshnichenko AG, Brazovskii KS, Belousov MV (2020) Screening Study for Anticonvulsive Activity of Lipophilic Fractions from Empetrum nigrum L. Research Results in Pharmacology 6(3): 67–73.



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