Investigation of wound healing activity of the flavonoid schaftoside isolated from Lychnis chalcedonica




Introduction: This article studies the wound healing activity of the flavonoid schaftoside – apigenin -6-C-β-D glucopyranosyl 8-C-α-L arabinopyranoside (C26H28O14) isolated from the above-ground part of Lyсhnis chalcedonica L.

Materials and Methods: The experiments were carried out on sexually mature mongrel male CD-1 mice. The wound healing effect of schaftoside was studied on a model of a plane skin wound. Schaftoside was applied externally (topically) in the form of an aqueous solution using a pipette of 100 mcl per wound at concentrations of 0.1 uG/mL, 1.5 uG/mL, 3.0 uG/mL, one time per day during the entire period of wound healing from the first day after the wound had been induced until its complete epithelialization. Aloe juice (100 mcL per wound) was used as a positive control. A solvent (water) – 100 mcL per wound – was applied to control animals.

Results and Discussion: The results of our study on the model of a plane skin wound showed that the compound schaftoside isolated from Lyсhnis chalcedonica, when applied externally (topically) at concentrations of 0.1 uG/mL, 1.5 uG/mL, 3.0 uG/mL, contributes to a significant reduction in the size of plane skin wounds, comparable to the action of aloe juice (the comparison drug). The wound healing effect is more pronounced at the first, second, and third weeks of the healing process, i.e. at the stage of inflammation, proliferation, and activation of the repair process. Under the influence of schaftoside at a concentration of 3.0 uG/mL, a more complete epithelialization was recorded than in the group where the comparison drug (aloe juice) was applied.

Conclusion: Our study for the first time shows a pronounced wound healing effect from aqueous solution of the flavonoid schaftoside from Lyсhnis chalcedonica on the model of a plane skin wound in mice.

Graphical Abstract



plane skin wound, Lyсhnis chalcedonica L., flavonoid schaftoside


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Author Contribution

Tatiana N. Povetyeva, National Research Medical Center, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine

PhD in Biology, Professor, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition of E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine; e-mail:; ORCID ID The author carried out experimental work, as well as conducted an analysis and interpreted the results.

Olga G. Afanasyeva, National Research Medical Center, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine

PhD in Biology, Researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition of E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine; e-mail:; ORCID ID The author carried out experimental work and participated in planning the experiments.

Larisa N. Zibareva, National Research Tomsk State University

PhD in Chemistry, Senior Researcher of National Research Tomsk State University; e-mail: zibareva.lara@yandex.ruORCID ID The author carried out extraction of plants, isolation and identification of individual compounds.

Yulia V. Nesterova, National Research Medical Center, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine

PhD in Medicine, Researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition of E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine; e-mail:; ORCID ID https://org/orcid.0000-0002-1382-926X. The author carried out experimental work and participated in planning the experiments.

Nikolay I. Suslov, National Research Medical Center, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine

PhD in Medicine, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition of E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine; e-mail:; ORCID ID The author made substantial contributions to the conceptualization of the article and later participated in drafting the article.

Pavel V. Kulpin, National Research Medical Center, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine

Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition of E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine;  e-mail:; ORCID ID The author carried out experimental work and participated in planning the experiments.

Gleb N. Zyuz`kov, National Research Medical Center, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine

Doctor Habil. of Medical Sciences, Professor of RAS, Head of Laboratory of Pathophysiology and Experimental Therapy; e-mail: zgn@pharmso.ruORCID ID The author provided general supervision of writing the article and editing the final manuscript.

Svetlana G. Krylova, National Research Medical Center, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine

PhD in Biology, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Oncopharmacology of E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine; e-mail:; ORCID ID The author participated in search for and analysis of literature.

Olesya V. Vsyakikh, National Research Medical Center, E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicines chalcedonica

Laboratory assistant researcher of Laboratory of Phytopharmacology and Special Nutrition of E.D. Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine; e-mail: The author carried out experimental work and participated in planning the experiments.




How to Cite

Povetyeva TN, Afanasyeva OG, Zibareva LN, Nesterova YV, Suslov NI, Kulpin PV, Zyuz`kov GN, Krylova SG, Vsyakikh OV (2023) Investigation of wound healing activity of the flavonoid schaftoside isolated from Lychnis chalcedonica. Research Results in Pharmacology 9(2): 99–104.



Experimental Pharmacology