Ribosome biogenesis and ribosome therapy in cancer cells
Introduction: The process of protein synthesis is a vital process for all kingdoms of life. The ribosome is a ribonucleoprotein complex that reads the genetic code, from messenger RNA (mRNA) to produce proteins and to tightly regulate and ensure cells growth. The fact that numerous diseases are caused by defect during the ribosome biogenesis is important to understand this pathway.
Materials and methods: We have analyzed the literature for ribosome biogenesis and its links with different diseases which have been found.
Results and discussion: We have discussed the key aspect of human ribosome biogenesis and its links to diseases. We have also proposed the potential of applying this knowledge to the development of a ribosomal stress-based cancer therapy.
Conclusion: Major challenges in the future will be to determine factors which play a pivotal role during ribosome biogenesis. Therefore, more anti-cancer drugs and gene therapy for genetic diseases will be developed against ribosomal biogenesis in the coming years.
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