Analysis of the frequency of detection of hypercholesterolemia, carotid atherosclerosis and lipid-lowering therapy prescription in young adults under 45 years old according to the Duplex registry database




Aim of the study to analyze the detection of hypercholesterolemia (HCHL) and carotid atherosclerosis (CAS), verified by duplex scanning of the carotid arteries (DSCA) in young adults (YA), and to evaluate the lipid-lowering therapy (LLT) prescription among them according to the local registry database.

Material and Methods: The Duplex registry database was used for this study (n=2548). YA up to 45 years old were selected for the final analysis (n=351).

Results: HCHL (> 5 mmol/L) was detected in 68.9% of patients (n=241), and only 9.5% of them received LLT (n=23). CAS was detected in 12.8% (n=45), only 17.8% of them had received LLT (n=8). Men and women differed 1.5 times by the incidence of CAS in this age range: 15.7% (30 out of 191) vs 9.4% (15 out of 160), p=0.05. Men also generally have a higher prevalence of other risk factors/diseases: HCHL (78.0% (n=149) vs 58.1% (n=93) in women, p=0.00004), hypertension (AH) (15.7% (n=30) vs 9.4% (n=15) in women, p=0,05), history of myocardial infarction (MI) (1,6% (n=3) vs 0% (n=0) in women, ns). Signs that had a significant impact on LLT intake were the following: CAS (OR 2.8 [1.09;6.6] p=0.036); AH (OR 3.1 [1.32; 7.16] p=0.009); HCHL (> 5 mmol/L) (OR 4.2 [1.12; 26.83] p=0.06); HCHL (ICD-10 code E78) (OR 5.4 [2.04; 13.7] p=0.0003); MI history (OR 22.3 [1.65;675.5] p=0.009).

Conclusion: The insufficient LLT prescription in young adults with HCHL and CAS was ascertained in the present study. The use of imaging methods to clarify the degree of cardiovascular risk is advisable for low and intermediate risk patients, which include young adults. DSСA is the main method for subclinical atherosclerosis verification. LLT should be prescribed to all YA patients with CAS (in the absence of contraindications).

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Graphical Abstract


lipid-lowering therapy, young adults, hypercholesterolemia, carotid atherosclerosis, duplex scanning, registry


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Author Biography

Oleg V. Gaisenok, United Hospital with Outpatient Clinic

MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine and General Cardiology, Chief specialist of the therapeutic service of United Hospital with Outpatient Clinic, Moscow, e-mail:, ORCID ID




How to Cite

Gaisenok OV (2023) Analysis of the frequency of detection of hypercholesterolemia, carotid atherosclerosis and lipid-lowering therapy prescription in young adults under 45 years old according to the Duplex registry database. Research Results in Pharmacology 9(1): 17–23.



Clinical Pharmacology