Benzofurocaine: effects on experimental periodontitis, anti-diabetic activity and molecular mechanisms of action


  • Pavel A. Galenko-Yaroshevsky Kuban State Medical University ORCID logo
  • Victor L. Popkov Kuban State Medical University
  • Karine A. Bedrosova Kuban State Medical University
  • Leonid A. Faustov Kuban Medical Institute
  • Galina V. Sukoyan International Scientific Centre for Introduction and Development of New Biomedical Technologies
  • Andrey V. Zadorozhny Rostov State Medical University
  • Ol’ga N. Gulevskaya Kuban State Medical University
  • Aleksandr V. Uvarov Kuban State Medical University
  • Valeriya S. Dobrodomova Kuban State Medical University



Introduction: A promising compound for the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases is benzofuracaine (BFC) .BFC has pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, reparative, hypoglycemic and other effects. Objective: To assess the influence of benzofuracaine on experimental periodontitis and to study its antidiabetic activity and molecular mech-anisms of action

Materials and methods: The work was performed on 232 white nonlinear rats of both sexes and 55 male mice. To assess the effect of BFС on experimental periodontitis, the amount of gingival fluid (AGF) was determined, an in-depth morphofunctional study of periodontal tissues was conducted, as well as the study of the biochemical composition of the gingiva and blood. Antidiabetic properties were studied using the glucose tolerance test (GTT), as well as the as-sessment of endothelium-dependent vasodilation and transmembrane K+-currents on an isolated aortic segment of ratswith streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (DM).

Results and discussion: In experimental periodontitis, BFC improves the morphological picture and decreases AGF, in-creases the level of blood microcirculation in the attached gingiva, has a normalizing effect on the prekallikrein-kallikrein system, reduces the synthesis of bradykinin, proinflammatory cytokines and PGE2, increases the level of VEGF, reduces the level of endothelin-1, increases the ATP content and NADH-ubiquinone-reductase activity, exhibits antioxidant properties,reduces the content of nitrosothiols and NO metabolites (NO2/NO3), increases the level of transferrin; when conducting a

glucose tolerance test in mice, it reduces the level of glucose in the blood, but in this respect is inferior to glibenclamide, has a hypoglycemic effect in the early stages of diabetes (30 days), tends to restore endothelium-dependent dilatation of smooth muscle cells (SMC) of the aorta and does not affect the functioning of the K+-channels of the aortic SMC.

Conclusion: BFС is an effective drug for the treatment of periodontitis and can be recommended for further preclinical and clinical studies.



periodontitis, normoglycemia, experimental diabetes mellitus

Author Contribution

Pavel A. Galenko-Yaroshevsky, Kuban State Medical University

Corresponding member of The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacology.

Victor L. Popkov, Kuban State Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry.

Karine A. Bedrosova, Kuban State Medical University

Dentist, post-graduate student, Department of Pharmacology.

Leonid A. Faustov, Kuban Medical Institute

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Department of Pathological Anatomy.

Galina V. Sukoyan, International Scientific Centre for Introduction and Development of New Biomedical Technologies

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, research officer.

Andrey V. Zadorozhny, Rostov State Medical University

PhD in Medicine, Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry.

Ol’ga N. Gulevskaya, Kuban State Medical University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology.

Aleksandr V. Uvarov, Kuban State Medical University

PhD in Medicine, Department of Pharmacology.

Valeriya S. Dobrodomova, Kuban State Medical University

5th-year student, Faculty of Dentistry.




How to Cite

Galenko-Yaroshevsky PA, Popkov VL, Bedrosova KA, Faustov LA, Sukoyan GV, Zadorozhny AV, Gulevskaya ON, Uvarov AV, Dobrodomova VS (2019) Benzofurocaine: effects on experimental periodontitis, anti-diabetic activity and molecular mechanisms of action. Research Results in Pharmacology 5(1): 15–30.



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