Antiplatelet activity of new derivatives of benzimidazole containing sterically hindered phenolic group in their structure




Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are currently the leading cause of global disability and mortality. According to the centers for disease control and prevention, the average life expectancy of a person would be 10 years longer but for a high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, and if antiplatelet drugs and special therapy were used.

Materials and methods: Antiplatelet activity of the novel benzimidazole derivatives containing a sterically hindered phenolic group in their structure has been investigated in vitro, using a model of ADP-induced platelet aggregation of rabbit’s plasma. The compounds exhibiting high antiplatelet activity and acetylsalicylic acid, as a reference drug, were examined for antioxidant properties in an ascorbate-dependent model of lipid peroxidation.

Results: It was established that the compounds with high antiplatelet activity demonstrated the pronounced antioxidant action. The compound RU-1144 (1-(3,5-ditretbutyl-4-hydroxyphenyl) -1-hydroxypropyl)-phenyl-pyrimidobenzimid­azole hydrochloride), in in vitro experiments, had a pronounced antiplatelet activity, surpassing the reference drug acetylsalicylic acid by 21.8 times; in the study of antioxidant activity, the leader compound was inferior to the reference drug dibunol by 1.7 times. By inhibiting intravascular platelet aggregation in vivo, this compound exceeded acetylsali­cylic acid by 1.5 times and was slightly inferior to clopidogrel by 1.4 times.

Discussion: Benzimidazole derivatives with a hindered phenolic substituent in their structure exhibited antiplatelet and antioxidant properties. It was established that the compounds with high antiplatelet activity demonstrated the pro­nounced antioxidant action.

Conclusion: The chemical class of benzimidazole derivatives with a hindered phenolic substituent in their structure is promising for the search for new antiaggregant and antioxidant drugs.


benzimidazole, antiplatelet activity, acetylsalicylic acid, antioxidant activity

Author Contribution

Alexander A. Spasov, Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.

Aida F. Kucheryavenko, Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.

Ksenia A. Gaidukova, Volgograd State Medical University

Assistant professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.

Vadim A. Kosolapov, Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.

Olga N. Zhukovskaya, Research Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Southern Federal University

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Researcher in the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis.




How to Cite

Spasov AA, Kucheryavenko AF, Gaidukova KA, Kosolapov VA, Zhukovskaya ON (2020) Antiplatelet activity of new derivatives of benzimidazole containing sterically hindered phenolic group in their structure. Research Results in Pharmacology 6(1): 1–9.



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