Migraine pharmacology and brain ischemia





Introduction: The aim of this review article was to analyze in details the mechanism of drugs’ effects in the treatment and prevention of a migraine attack, as well as to discuss the hypotheses of migraine pathogenesis.

Migraine attack treatment agents: The main agents for migraine attack treatment have an anti-nociceptive activity.

Agents for migraine preventive treatment: β-blocker propranolol also has anti-serotonin and analgesic activities, and most drugs used for the prophylactic treatment of migraine have a vasodilating activity.

Vascular hypothesis of migraine pathogenesis: Despite numerous studies that have expanded our understanding of migraine pathogenesis, the importance of the vascular component in the pathogenesis of this disease has not questioned yet.

Neurogenic hypotheses of cortical spreading depression: It is necessary to take into account the points of this hypothesis in the context of the pathophysiology of migraine.

Neurochemical serotonin hypotheses of migraine pathogenesis: Serotonin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of migraine.

Trigemino-vascular hypotheses of migraine pathogenesis: The trigemino-vascular hypothesis claims to solve the problem of migraine pain.

Migraine and ischemic brain damage: Migraine is a risk factor for ischemic stroke and cognitive disorders.

Search for the new anti-ischemic anti-migraine preparations: A methodology for the search for new anti-ischemic anti-serotonin drugs for the treatment of migraine is proposed.

Conclusion: Belonging of a drug to one or another pharmacological group does not always correspond to its therapeutic effect on the pathogenetic processes of migraine. Migraine with its variety of forms cannot fit only one of the proposed hypotheses on the pathogenesis of this disease.


drugs for migraine treatment, migraine pathogenesis hypotheses, migraine and ischemic brain damage, new anti-ischemic anti-serotoninergic drugs for migraine treatment

Author Contribution

Ruben S. Mirzoyan, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology

Doctor Habil. of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cerebrovascular Disorders.

Tamara S. Gan’shina, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology

Doctor Habil. of Biological Sciences, Professor, Lead Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cerebrovascular Disorders.

Ilya N. Kurdyumov, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology

PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cerebrovascular Disorders.

Denis V. Maslennikov, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology

PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cerebrovascular Disorders.

Anna V. Gnezdilova, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology

 PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cerebrovascular Disorders.

Alexander A. Gorbunov, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

PhD in Biological Sciences, Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cerebrovascular Disorders; Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaсology.

Elena V. Kurza, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology

PhD in Biological Sciences, Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cerebrovascular Disorders.

Antonina I. Turilova, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology

PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cerebrovascular Disorders.

Leonid M. Kostochka, V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology

PhD in Chemical Sciences, Lead Researcher, Chemistry Department.

Narine R. Mirzoyan, Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

Doctor Habil. of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head, Clinical Pharmacology Department.




How to Cite

Mirzoyan RS, Gan’shina TS, Kurdyumov IN, Maslennikov DV, Gnezdilova AV, Gorbunov AA, Kurza EV, Turilova AI, Kostochka LM, Mirzoyan NR (2021) Migraine pharmacology and brain ischemia. Research Results in Pharmacology 7(2): 67–82. https://doi.org/10.3897/rrpharmacology.7.67463



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