Pharmacological correction of morphofunctional retinal injury using 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin in the experiment


  • Victoria O. Gubareva St. Joseph Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital
  • Anton L. Pazhinsky Clinic of Ambulatory Surgery Plus LLC
  • Sergey S. Lugovskoy St. Joseph Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital
  • Elizaveta Yu. Dubovtsova City Hospital №2 of Belgorod
  • Daria S. Vain Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital
  • Anna S. Pobeda St. Joseph Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital
  • Konstantin N. Pasenov Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital



Introduction: The retinoprotective effect of the 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin PRK-002 on the models of hypertensive retinal angiopathy and hypertensive neuroretinopathy in Wistar rats was investigated in comparison with carbamylated darbepoetin and sulodexide.

Materials and methods: The protective effects of the pharmacological agents were assessed using the following criteria: a semi-quantitative assessment of changes in the eye fundus when performing ophthalmoscopy, the retinal blood flow, the b/a coefficient, eNOs expression in retinal vessels, specific number of neuronal nuclei in the inner nuclear layer, and p53 expression in the retina.

Results and discussion: A pronounced protective effect, exceeding sulodexide at a dose of 150 LRU/kg and carbamylated darbepoetin at a dose of 300 μg/kg when correcting retinal angiopathy was observed in PRK-002 at a dose of 4 µg/kg, which expressed in adjustment of the retinal vessels’ calibers, removing retinal arterio-venous crossings, reaching the target levels of the retinal microcirculation, the b/a coefficient, and the restoration of eNOs expression in the endothelium of retinal vessels. PRK-002 at a dose of 4 µg/kg has a pronounced neuroprotective effect comparable to carbamylated darbepoetin at a dose of 300 µg/kg in correction of hypertensive neuroretinopathy, which expressed in the normalization of the fundus image, reaching the b/a target values, the specific number of neuronal nuclei in the inner nuclear layer, inhibition of p53 expression in the neurons of the inner nuclear and ganglionic layers.

Conclusion: The study revealed angio- and neuroprotective activity of the 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin PRK-002 in correction of retinal injury formed on the background of hypertension.


11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin, hypertensive neuroretinopathy, PRK-002, retinal angiopathy, Wistar rats

Author Contribution

Victoria O. Gubareva, St. Joseph Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital

Ophthalmologist of the Department of Pathology of Newborns and Premature Babies.

Anton L. Pazhinsky, Clinic of Ambulatory Surgery Plus LLC


Sergey S. Lugovskoy, St. Joseph Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital

Radiologist, Department of X-Ray Surgical Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment.

Elizaveta Yu. Dubovtsova, City Hospital №2 of Belgorod

Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmology Department.

Daria S. Vain, Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital


Anna S. Pobeda, St. Joseph Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital

Candidate of Biological Sciences, PhD in Biology, Pharmaceutist.

Konstantin N. Pasenov, Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital

Nurse, Oncohematology Department.




How to Cite

Gubareva VO, Pazhinsky AL, Lugovskoy SS, Dubovtsova EY, Vain DS, Pobeda AS, Pasenov KN (2019) Pharmacological correction of morphofunctional retinal injury using 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin in the experiment. Research Results in Pharmacology 5(3): 43–55.



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