Immune-Metabolic Therapy of Purulent Inflammatory Diseases




Introduction: Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs rank among the leading ones in the total number of women of reproductive age. This results from a decrease in immunity, early sexual activity, neglect of personal hygiene, abortions, birth complications, etc.

Materials and Methods: The study included 100 patients suffering from exacerbated chronic salpingo-oophoritis and its combination with bacterial vaginosis. In the study, all the patients were randomly divided into five groups, with 20 patients each. The patients were treated in the prescribed regimens and doses, according to the standards of specialized medical care. An immunomodulator immunomax and an antioxidant hypoxene were chosen as additional treatment options. Clinical and laboratory parameters were measured in all the patients before and after the treatment. The effec­tiveness of the treatment was evaluated 10-14 days later. In 18 people, the procedure was repeated after 2-3 months.

Results and Discussion: It was found that the standard therapy to treat exacerbated chronic salpingo-oophoritis re­duced inflammatory manifestations after 10-14 days; however, the risk of complications and relapse of the disease remained. Immunomax provided satisfactory second-order normalization of the immunological and metabolic parame­ters, ultimate normalization of pro-inflammatory parameters and absolutely no positive effect on the clinical parameters in patients with chronic salpingo-oophoritis in the acute stage, when compared with the standard treatment. A complex therapy of salpingo-oophoritis with bacterial vaginosis by means of immunomax and hypoxene aimed to normalize most clinical and laboratory parameters was absolutely positive; a moderate level of parameters was revealed only in cellular-humoral immunity.

Conclusion: After 10-14 days, the standard treatment of patients resulted in normalization of the pro-inflammatory and immunological parameters, rather than the clinical and metabolic parameters. The administration of immunomax con­tributed to the correction of metabolic, immunological and pro-inflammatory markers, and the complex administration of an immunomodulator with an antioxidant favorably affected all the laboratory parameters.


immunomax, hypoxene, salpingo-oophoritis, bacterial vaginosis

Author Contribution

Tatiyana A. Berezhnova, Voronezh N.N. Burdenko State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Professor, Doctor Habil. of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pharmacology.

Kseniya S. Dyadina, Voronezh N.N. Burdenko State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology.

Yana V. Kulintsova, Voronezh N.N. Burdenko State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology.




How to Cite

Berezhnova TA, Dyadina KS, Kulintsova YV (2020) Immune-Metabolic Therapy of Purulent Inflammatory Diseases. Research Results in Pharmacology 6(4): 1–6.



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