Comparative assessment of physicians’ and senior medical students’ basic knowledge in treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease




Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common pathologies of the respiratory system. This disease ranks third in the group of the main causes of death in the world. The effective treatment of COPD has been developed by today. However, a significant part of physicians has an insufficient amount of education in this matter.

Materials and methods: The article represents the results of anonymous prospective survey within the ASCO project (full title – “Assessment of Senior Medical Students in the Field of COPD”), aimed at assessing the basic knowledge in the COPD treatment. The survey involved 321 physicians and 221 senior medical students from ten cities of Russia and Ukraine.

Results and discussion: According to the survey, the following levels of correct answers were given by the doctors and students: possible fixed combinations of β2-agonist – 33.9% and 24.5%; the optimal delivery device for a patient – 50.8% and 41.8; the correct drugs for COPD initial therapy with a high risk of exacerbations – 31.7% and 15.3%, andwith a low risk – 54.9% and 25.9%, respectively. The correct drugs for COPD aggravation were selected by 43.3% of doctors and 34.5% of students; the right empirical treatment of COPD infectious exacerbation – by 72.4% and 40%, and the correct reserve drugs – by 63.9% and 36.2%, respectively.

Conclusion: The survey showed that the respondents had medium level of knowledge in COPD treatment. Hence, curricula need to be adjusted in medical universities, and additional educational activities are required for medical practitioners in order to improve the quality of their knowledge in this field.

Ключевые слова:

COPD, doctors, students, education, questionnaire, treatment

Вклад авторов

Roman A. Bontsevich, Outpatient Clinic “Garmoniya Zdorov’ya” LLC “MAKSBelmed”

MD, PhD, Associated Professor, pulmonologist, clinical pharmacologist and therapist.

Tatiana S. Filinichenko, Outpatient Clinic “Garmoniya Zdorov’ya” LLC “MAKSBelmed”

senior student, the intern.

Yana R. Vovk, Outpatient Clinic “Garmoniya Zdorov’ya” LLC “MAKSBelmed”

Senior student, intern.

Anna A. Gavrilova, Outpatient Clinic “Garmoniya Zdorov’ya” LLC “MAKSBelmed”

Senior student, intern.

Galina G. Prozorova, Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko

MD, PhD, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines.

Natalia Y. Goncharova, Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko

MD, PhD, Associated Professor

Olga V. Cherenkova, Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko

MD, PhD, Associated Professor.

Olga G. Kompaniets, Kuban State Medical University

MD, PhD, Associated Professor.

Andrey A. Kirichenko, Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Therapy.

Elizaveta Y. Ebzeeva, Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

MD, PhD, Associated Professor

Galina G. Ketova, South Ural State Medical University

MD, PhD, Professor.

Valeriya O. Barysheva, South Ural State Medical University

MD, PhD, Teaching Assistant.

Olena V. Myronenko, Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy (State Establishment)

MD, PhD, Associated Professor.

Elena V. Milutina, Outpatient Clinic “Garmoniya Zdorov’ya” LLC “MAKSBelmed”

senior student.

Tatiana M. Shagieva, Outpatient Clinic “Garmoniya Zdorov’ya” LLC “MAKSBelmed”

MD, pulmonologist, consultant.

Elena V. Luchinina, Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky

MD, PhD, Associated Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology.

Irina P. Galkina, Out-patient Hospital №6

MD, PhD.

Vera A. Nevzorova, Pacific State Medical University

MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Institute of Therapy and Instrumental Diagnostic.

Irina M. Martynenko, Pacific State Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor.




Как цитировать

Bontsevich RA, Filinichenko TS, Vovk YR, Gavrilova AA, Prozorova GG, Goncharova NY, Cherenkova OV, Kompaniets OG, Kirichenko AA, Ebzeeva EY, Ketova GG, Barysheva VO, Myronenko OV, Milutina EV, Shagieva TM, Luchinina EV, Galkina IP, Nevzorova VA, Martynenko IM (2019) Comparative assessment of physicians’ and senior medical students’ basic knowledge in treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Research Results in Pharmacology 5(1): 67–75.



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