Study of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and mineralizing effects of an N-isopropenylimidazole zinc metal complex derivative in experimental endodontic-periodontal lesions in rats
Introduction: The combination treatment of patients with dentition problems including endodontic-periodontal lesions (EPL) is known to widely involve anti-inflammatory drugs, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and antimicrobial drugs, in particular antibiotics and antiseptics, from which the former often lead to the development of gastro- and neuropathy, lesions of kidneys and liver, as well as the cardiovascular system, and the latter, in addition to serious side effects, lead to the development of steady resistance of pathogenic microorganisms and dysbacteriosis. This necessitates search for and development of new molecules with a wide range of therapeutic effects aimed to block the infectious and inflammatory process and to restore the functional ability of teeth in EPLs as much as possible (depending on a lesion severity). The aim of the study was to examine the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and mineralizing effects of an N-isopropenylimidazole zinc metal complex derivative in experimental endodontic-periodontal lesions in rats.
Materials and Methods: EPL simulation in experiments on the anesthetized rats was conducted in the following way: first, the pulp cavity of lower incisors was opened and left exposed to infection; then periodontal inflammation was induced using a ligature. Thirty days later, EPL developed in the animals. An N-isopropenylimidazole zinc metal complex derivative (laboratory code Pilim-1, prepared in form of gel), reference drug Metrogyl Denta® (M-D, dental gel), as well as the combination Pilim-1 + M-D were applied daily for 14 days on the lower incisors and appropriate gums, and also placed in the gingival pockets and pulp cavities, with pulp partially removed beforehands. After euthanasia of the animals on the 15th day of the experiments, gingival homogenates were assayed for the activity of elastase, urease, catalase, the level of malondialdehyde, and the antioxidant-prooxidant index was calculated, while pulp homogenates were assayed for the activity of elastase, urease, alkaline and acidic phosphatases, and the mineralizing index was calculated.
Results and Discussion: In the gum in EPL, Pilim-1 and, especially, the combination Pilim-1+M-D more significantly than M-D have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial (reduce a microbial content level) effects. In the pulp in EPL, Pilim-1 and, to a greater extent, the combination Pilim-1 + M-D in a more pronounced way than M-D have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial (reduce a microbial content level) and mineralizing effects. In the therapeutic action mechanisms of Pilim-1 and, especially, the combination Pilim-1 + M-D in EPL conditions, their ability to have an antihypoxic effect and an inhibitory effect on cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase is likely to play a very important role, in addition to their identified effect on the examined metabolic processes. Besides, a certain role may be played by the presence of zinc and imidazole in the structure of Pilim-1, as they have a wide range of biological activity.
Conclusion: The presented results of studying Pilim-1 and its combination with M-D indicate their high therapeutic efficiency, especially when using the latter in the experimental EPL in rats, which makes it possible to consider Pilim-1 and Pilim-1 + M-D as potential therapeutic agents to treat EPL.
Graphical Abstract

antioxidant effect, N-isopropenylimidazole zinc metal complex derivative, microbial content, mineralizing effect, anti-inflammatory effect, endodontic-periodontal lesionReferences
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Galenko-Yaroshevsky PA, Pavlyuchenko II, Shelemekh OV, Trofimov BA, Parshina LN, Popkov VL, Demyanenko SA, Tsymbalov OV, Zadorozhniy AV, Zelenskaya AV, Nektarevskaya IB, Sergeeva AV, Korovaykin NE, Lebedeva SA

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