Neuroprotective effects of taurine and 3-hydroxypyridine derivatives in the intracerebral hemorrhage model in rats


  • Natalia I. Nesterova All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances
  • Olesya V. Shcheblykina All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances
  • Pavel D. Kolesnichenko All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances
  • Arkady V. Nesterov All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances
  • Dmitry V. Shcheblykin All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances
  • Irina A. Popova All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances
  • Dmitry V. Yakovlev All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances



Introduction: At present, the problem of pharmacological correction of free radical processess emerges full-blown. The aim of the study is an experimental study of the neuroprotective effect of taurine and 3-hydroxypyridine derivatives.

Materials and methods: The study was performed in Wistar rats. The neuroprotective effect of the substances was studied in the intracerebral hemorrhage model.

Results and discussion: The administration of the studied substances had a positive effect on the survival of the animals within the first day (50% of rats died in the control group, 30% – in the Mexidol- and Ethoxidol-treated groups, and 20% – in LKhT 3-17-treated group). Within the first day after the surgery, all rats with stroke had severe neurological disorders. However, by the 3rd day, the Ethoxidol- and LKhT 3-17-treated rats had a lower neurological deficit. By Day 14, all groups of animals treated with the test substances had a lower severity of post-stroke disorders than those in the control group, which was evident as a 1.5-time lower McGraw Stroke Index score. LKhT 3-17 substance showed the most pronounced neuroprotective effect.

Conclusions: The studied derivatives of taurine and 3-hydroxypyridine have a neuroprotective effect, which is manifested in the lower severity of neurological disorders,a more rapid reduction in the signs of neurodegeneration and accelerated hemorrhage processes.

Ключевые слова:

hemorrhagic stroke, taurine, 3-hydroxypyridines, neuroprotection

Вклад авторов

Natalia I. Nesterova, All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances

Postgraduate student.

Olesya V. Shcheblykina, All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances

Postgraduate student.

Pavel D. Kolesnichenko, All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances

PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Arkady V. Nesterov, All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances

PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Dmitry V. Shcheblykin, All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances

Postgraduate student.

Irina A. Popova, All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances


Dmitry V. Yakovlev, All-Russian Scientific Center for Safety of Biologically Active Substances

Postgraduate student.




Как цитировать

Nesterova NI, Shcheblykina OV, Kolesnichenko PD, Nesterov AV, Shcheblykin DV, Popova IA, Yakovlev DV (2019) Neuroprotective effects of taurine and 3-hydroxypyridine derivatives in the intracerebral hemorrhage model in rats. Research Results in Pharmacology 5(3): 87–94.



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