Pharmacological modulation of cell functional activity with valproic acid and erythropoietin


  • Polina A. Golubinskaya Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC
  • Marina V. Sarycheva Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC
  • Svetlana Yu. Burda Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
  • Maksim V. Puzanov Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC
  • Natalya A. Nadezhdina Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital
  • Vladimir F. Kulikovskiy Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC
  • Sergey V. Nadezhdin Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC
  • Michail V. Korokin Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC
  • Yuriy E. Burda Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC



Introduction: Valproic acid (VA) is carboxylic acid with a branched chain, which is used as an antiepileptic drug.

Valproic acid influence on cells in vivo: VA, which is an antiepileptic drug, is also a teratogen, which causes defects of a neural tube and an axial skeleton, although the mechanisms are not yet fully clear.

Valproic acid influence on mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in vitro: It is shown that valproic acid reduces the intracellular level of oxygen active forms.

Valproic acid effect on tumor cells: VA inhibits tumor growth through several mechanisms, including the cell cycle stop, differentiation induction and inhibition of growth of tumor vessels. Valproic acid influence on enzymes: It affects mainly GSK-3.

Valproic acid influence on animals’ cells: It is shown that VA can significantly improve an ability to develop in vitro and improve nuclear reprogramming of embryos.

Erythropoietin (EPO): Is an hypoxia-induced hormone and a cytokine, which is necessary for normal erythropoiesis. EPO is widely used in in vitro experiments.

Conclusion: Thus, the influence of VA and EPO on cells can be used in cell technologies


biomedical cellular products, valproic acid, cell technologies, mesenchymal stem cells, erythropoietin

Author Contribution

Polina A. Golubinskaya, Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC

Cell engineer.

Marina V. Sarycheva, Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC

Postgraduate student, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology.

Svetlana Yu. Burda, Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Clinical resident of the Department of Dermatology.

Maksim V. Puzanov, Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC


Natalya A. Nadezhdina, Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital


Vladimir F. Kulikovskiy, Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC

Full Professor.

Sergey V. Nadezhdin, Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC

PhD in Biology.

Michail V. Korokin, Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC

Doctor of Medicine.

Yuriy E. Burda, Biruch Center of Cell Technologies LLC

PhD in Medicine, R&D Director.




How to Cite

Golubinskaya PA, Sarycheva MV, Burda SY, Puzanov MV, Nadezhdina NA, Kulikovskiy VF, Nadezhdin SV, Korokin MV, Burda YE (2019) Pharmacological modulation of cell functional activity with valproic acid and erythropoietin. Research Results in Pharmacology 5(2): 88–99.



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