Distribution, excretion and metabolic pathways of a single parenteral administration of kappa-opioid receptor agonist RU-1205





Introduction: The purpose was to study the pharmacokinetic properties of RU-1205 with the previously identified kappa-agonistic and analgesic effects after parenteral administration.

Materials and methods: Pharmacokinetic parameters of RU-1205 after intravenous and subcutaneous administration at doses of 10 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg, respectively, were investigated, using the method of high-performance liquid chromatography with measurement of the compound according to a pre-established calibration curve. The indices of the area under the pharmacokinetic curve, clearance, half-life, residence time of the drug molecule in the body, total (apparent) volume of distribution, as well as the indicator of absolute bioavailability for subcutaneous administration were calculated. Tissue distribution and excretion of RU-1205 were also studied. Evaluation of metabolism of RU-1205 was conducted in silico, using the PALLAS 3.00 software, with the use of specific tests with CYP 450 substrates and by studying the ability of RU-1205 to form conjugates with endogenous acids.

Results and discussion: It was found that after a single intravenous administration, the investigated substance was determined in the blood for 12 h; the half-life was 8.49 hours. The absolute bioavailability after subcutaneous administration is 57.35%. RU-1205 is eliminated within 3–4 days. The main route of excretion is extrarenal. The biotransformation of the substance probably proceeds mainly with the formation of oxidized forms of the initial molecule according to the reactions of the first phase of metabolic transformation, so the chance to observe phase 2 of the metabolism could be very low.

Conclusion: The test substance undergoes a long process of elimination, has the highest tropism to the elimination organs and undergoes active biotransformation processes in the body of animals.

Ключевые слова:

imidazobenzimidazoles, kappa-agonists, analgesics, pharmacokinetic, tissue distribution, excretion, biotransformation

Вклад авторов

Alexander A. Spasov, Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor Habil. of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.

Lyudmila A. Smirnova, Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor Habil. of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacological Kinetics, Research Institute of Pharmacology.

Olesya Iu. Grechko, Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor Habil. of Medical Sciences, Full Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.

Natalya V. Eliseeva, Volgograd State Medical University

PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.

Yuliya V. Lifanova, Volgograd State Medical University

PhD student in Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.

Andrey I. Rashchenko, Volgograd State Medical University

PhD in Pharmacy, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacology of Antioxidant Agents, Research Institute of Pharmacology.

Olga N. Zhukovskaya, Research Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry

PhD in Chemical Sciences, Researcher in the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis.

Anatoly S. Morkovnik, Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor Habil. of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis.

Vera A. Anisimova, Volgograd State Medical University

PhD in Chemical Sciences.

Olga E. Syrvacheva, Volgograd State Medical University

Co-investigator at the Department of Pharmacology and Bioinformatics.




Как цитировать

Spasov AA, Smirnova LA, Grechko OI, Eliseeva NV, Lifanova YV, Rashchenko AI, Zhukovskaya ON, Morkovnik AS, Anisimova VA, Syrvacheva OE (2021) Distribution, excretion and metabolic pathways of a single parenteral administration of kappa-opioid receptor agonist RU-1205. Research Results in Pharmacology 7(2): 59–65. https://doi.org/10.3897/rrpharmacology.7.67261



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