Study of analgesic activity and effects of new dipharmacophores – nebracetam and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors derivatives on the cognitive abilities of rats




Introduction: The aim of the present study was to research the analgesic activity and effect of new dipharmacophore compounds consisting of substances with proven therapeutic activity, namely nebracetamibuprofen (NRIP), nebracetamdexibuprofen (NRDIP), nebracetamniflumic acid (NRNFA), and nebracetammefenamic acid (NRMFA), on the cognitive abilities of rats.

Materials and methods: The experimental study was performed in 110 Wistar rats (male/female ratio 50/50%), weighing 180–200 g, and 50 laboratory mice (male/female ratio 50/50%) weighing 18–22 g. The study of the analgesic activity was carried out using the acetic acid writhing test and the hot plate test. The effect on the cognitive abilities of rats was studied using the pattern recognition test in a model of neurotrauma caused by a drop-weight.

Results and discussion: It has been shown that the administration of dipharmacophores nebracetamibuprofen (NRIP), nebracetamdexibuprofen (NRDIP), nebracetamniflumic acid(NRNFA) as well as nebracetammefenamic acid (NRMFA) in the tested dosages leads to a statistically significant (p<0.05) analgesic action in acetic acid writhing tests and hot plate tests. At the same time, the analgesic activity of the compounds has been shown to conjoin with a statistically significant influence on cognitive functions in the experimental animal groups after simulating a neurotrauma.

Conclusion: The dipharmacophore compounds studied in the present research, having analgesic and nootropic effects, can be used as effective and safe analgesics and can also be used for the treatment and prevention of pain syndrome, enhancing the cognitive abilities of healthy people in complicated professional conditions.


NSAID, nootropic drugs, nebracetam, COX-2, dipharmacophores, analgesic activity, cognitive abilities, laboratory animals

Author Contribution

Vitaliy S. Slyusarenko, Belgorod State National Research University

Postgraduate student, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Belgorod State National Research University. e-mail: Writing the article, the development of the research design, the administration of the drugs to the animals, study of analgesic action.

Ivan S. Koklin, Kursk State Medical University

PhD in Medicine, surgeon of the Surgical department, Kursk State Medical University, e-mail:, ORCID ID Modeling TBI, Study of effects of compounds on rat cognitive abilities.

Sergiy M. Kovalenko, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Sciences (Chemstry), Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine; Researcher at the Research Institute of Pharmacology of Living Systems, Belgorod State National Research University, e-mail:, ORCID ID Molecular design and synthesis of compounds.

Vladimir P. Chuev, Belgorod State National Research University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Department of medical and technical systems, Belgorod State National Research University, e-mail:, ORCID ID Molecular design and synthesis of compounds.

Alexey A. Shabalin, Kursk State Medical University

medical student, Kursk State Medical University, e-mail:, ORCID ID The author analyzing the literature.

Vladimir V. Gureev, Belgorod State National Research University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Belgorod State National Research University, e-mail:, ORCID ID Consultation on planning, methodology and implementation of the experiment. Modeling TBI, Study of effects of compounds on rat cognitive abilities

Mikhail V. Korokin, Belgorod State National Research University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Belgorod State National Research University, e-mail:, ORCID ID Writing the article, the development of the research design, the administration of the drugs to the animals, study of analgesic action, modeling TBI.




How to Cite

Slyusarenko VS, Koklin IS, Kovalenko SM, Chuev VP, Shabalin AA, Gureev VV, Korokin MV (2021) Study of analgesic activity and effects of new dipharmacophores – nebracetam and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors derivatives on the cognitive abilities of rats. Research Results in Pharmacology 7(4): 71–79.



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