Comparative assessment of the effects of Soderm®-Forte, Cytoflavin® and their combination on microcirculation in the gingival mucosa in rats
Introduction: Changes in the microcirculation (MC) system reflect abnormalities of physiological processes in the body and serve as a diagnostic and prognostic factor in a number of pathological conditions, including inflammatory lesions of periodontal tissues. Since in the pathogenesis of microcirculatory disorders an important role is played by the processes of free-radical oxidation, medications with antioxidant effects are of certain interest in terms of pharmacological correction of blood flow disorders in the periodontal complex. It was of interest to conduct a comparative assessment of the effects of Soderm®-Forte, Cytoflavin® and their combination on MC in the gingival mucosa in rats. The aim of the study was to identify whether Soderm®-Forte, Cytoflavin® and their combination can improve microcirculation in the gingival mucosa in rats.
Materials and Methods: The study of MC in the gingival mucosa in rats was carried out by using the laser Doppler Flowmetry method. Four groups of rats with 10 animals in each were formed: Group 1 – control; Groups 2-4 – experimental groups, in which Soderm®-Forte gel was applied to the gingival mucosa of the lower incisors, Cytoflavin®(100 mg/kg intraperitoneally – i.p.) was injected, and gel Soderm®-Forte was applied to the gingival mucosa against the background of injecting Cytoflavin®, respectively. The indicators of blood flow were recorded 30 and 60 minutes later.
Results and Discussion: Soderm®-Fote improved MC in the gingival mucosa by increasing the basal level of NO, the activity of precapillary sphincters and metarteriolas and decreasing the activity of adrenergic vasomotors. Cytoflavin®increased the activity of precapillary sphincters and metarteriolas, the extravascular components of MC, without changing perfusion of the gingival mucosa. The combination of Soderm®-Forte and Cytoflavin® improved MC to a lesser extent than only Soderm®-Forte, but to a bigger extend than Cytoflavin®.
Conclusion: According to the capacity to increase blood flow in the gingival mucosa in rats, the tested substances and their combination can be arranged in the following way: Soderm®-Forte > Soderm®-Forte+Cytoflavin® > Cytoflavin®.
Graphical Abstract

Laser-Doppler flowmetry, microcirculation, Soderm®-Forte, Cytoflavin®References
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