Study of pharmacological activity of Nigella damascena fixed oil in experiment


  • Marina P. Efremova Volgograd Medical State University of the Ministry of Health Care of Russia
  • Aelita V. Ivasheva Interregional center of vocational postgraduate training and professional development of experts "Development"
  • Mikhail V. Korokin Belgorod National Research University


Introduction: Literature data, rich chemical macro-microelement composition set the stage for experimental pharmacological study of adaptogene and lipid protective activity of Nigella damascena essential oil.

Objectives: study of pharmacological activity of Nigella damascena essential oil while simulating pathology on laboratory animals.

Methods: irritant action – HET-CAM test and DRAIZE-test, acute toxicity, open field test, simulated hypoxia method, swimming with the load, No-way-out and Rotating-rod tests, acute lipid pathology under Tween 80 (tween lipid pathology), vitamin D2 hyperlipidemia, simulated chronic heart failure (CHF).

Results and Discussion: Nigella damascena essential oil have low irritant effect along with almost non-toxicity. Nigella oil increase life duration with the presence of hypoxia and endurance while swimming-with-the-load test. Course administration of Nigella oil normalize hormone-mediatore metabolism on the background of acute stress. Course administration of Nigella damascena essential oil normalize lipids on the background of CHF, acute tween and subchronic vitamin D2 hyperlipidemias.

Conclusion: stress protective, actoprotective and adaptogene properties of Nigella damascena essential oil was pharmacologically proved. It was substantiated experimentally that Nigella damascena essential oil has an impact on lipid metabolism on the background of chronic heart failure (CHF), acute tween, subchronic vitamin D2 lipid pathologies and blood serum lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity.

Ключевые слова:

Nigella damascena essential oil, actoprotector, adaptogene, hyperlipidemia

Вклад авторов

Marina P. Efremova, Volgograd Medical State University of the Ministry of Health Care of Russia

Pharmacology department professor with Clinical pharmacology course at the Рyatigorsk Medical Pharmaceutical Institute.

Aelita V. Ivasheva, Interregional center of vocational postgraduate training and professional development of experts "Development"

Doctor of biological sciences, professor

Mikhail V. Korokin, Belgorod National Research University

Doctor of medical sciences, associate professor.




Как цитировать

Efremova MP, Ivasheva AV, Korokin MV (2017) Study of pharmacological activity of Nigella damascena fixed oil in experiment. Research Results in Pharmacology 3(4): 89–99



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